Shito-Ryu Go Do Shin

The five principles of Shito-Ryu Karate as laid down my Master Kenwa Mabuni can be seen below:

Hitotsu- Ishi. Shoshin wasureru nakare.
Hitotsu- Do toku. Reigi okutaru nakare.
Hitotsu- Hatten. Doryoku okutaru nakare.
Hitotsu- Jo shiki. Jo shiki kakeru nakare.
Hitotsu- Heiwa. Wa midasu nakare.


One- Determination. Never forget the spirit of first beginning.
One- Morality. Never neglect courtesy and etiquette.
One- Development. Never neglect effort.
One- Common sense. Never lose common sense.
One- Peace. Never disturb harmony.

Master Kenwa Mabuni

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