Karate Kidz

Our Karate Kidz classes run at various centres throughout the area including Bartley CE junior school, Hounsdown School, Applemore Health & Leisure, Applemore College & Gangwarily.  Our children’s classes  were established in 1995 and we have been developing and learning alongside our kidz to offer the best in Martial Arts.

Karate Kidz love variety and we offer that in spades from break falls, ball games, teamwork to mental challenges and competitions.  Again, focus is on individual learning styles and finding the best approach for each child to ensure they gain maximum benefit.

We love to get parents involved, especially if a child needs a bit of extra support.  Many of our parents who thought they were too old or unfit have started out joining in for their child’s sake only to discover a fantastic new interest that can involve the whole family.

Karate Kidz is taught in a friendly, nurturing environment although there is a little more emphasis on structure and discipline than at our Tots classes. Our karate teaches coordination, respect for others, basic self-defence techniques and breakfalls. The children make new friends, gain in self-belief and improve balance, agility and fitness.

We have a team of young instructors giving their time to support Karate Kidz, including Sempai Josh Crawford who began his martial arts journey as a Karate Tot many years ago.  He works alongside Sensei  who has over 30 years of experience including 20 years teaching 3 year olds and up.

The first lesson is always free and there is no obligation to pay anything when you first attend.  We are very transparent about any costs and we are proud to keep our fees competitive.  We know how expensive it is to bring up a family these days!

Please come along to your FREE TRIAL LESSON and feel free to ask questions about what’s on offer here at New Forest Martial Arts.

Karate Tots

Karate Tots was introduced to the New Forest area by Sensei Dave Crawford. These classes are aimed at children from the age of 3 to 6 years.  These classes are geared towards socialisation, self awareness, interaction with both adults (instructors) and peers.

Our little karate ka begin to understand their own body mechanics through various unique movements and drills.  They learn some Japanese language skills and absorb knowledge about another Country’s culture and beliefs.

Games are an important aspect of our Karate Tot’s learning.  This encourages unconscious development in agility, core strength and balance.  Soft pads are used to encourage focus and accuracy but awareness of the fact that our Tots are growing means that force is never used.

Our Karate Tots classes are successful because we have been running them since 1997.  We have developed most of the systems adopted by our competitors.  Tots can earn incentive badges which are highly colored and very durable and exciting for a young child to achieve.  They are encouraged to take their time mastering technique before grading and hopefully learn that karate is about personal achievement rather than competing with peers.

Tots can win a Student of the week award.  This is not about being the best in the class but being the best they can be individually.

Our Karate Kidz classes were established in 1995. Since then we have had many students who started out there at the age of 3 or 4 years old and have gone on to reach Brown and Black belts, some of them in their teens and are still training with the club now…

All Karate Tots are eligible to grade through the coloured belts and are given lots of incentive by the way of medals, certificates, badges and stickers etc. Tots classes are structured but with a ton of fun thrown in!

The FIRST LESSON IS ALWAYS FREE and parents are welcome to watch the classes.